
The Movies.

Cindy and I have been married for 8 years and during those years our sex life has been good. Recently though, it has improved to very good, due to an unusual night we just experienced. That night was a Saturday about 3 months ago.

I asked my wife if she would like to go out for an early dinner and then we might catch an early show. Cindy thought the idea was great and she went to take a shower and dress. When she returned, she looked fantastic. My wife is 5 ft. 7in. and 130 lbs. She has very long legs, with a shapely butt and although her breasts aren’t huge, they are 34B’s that are perfectly shaped and firm. Tonight she had on heels and a skirt and blouse that made her look like the perfect model. We had reservations at our favorite restaurant and as usual the food was good. Cindy and I had a few drinks with dinner and I suggested we have another before we left for the show. Another drink became another few and Cindy was getting a little lightheaded by the time we left. We had not decided on the show that we would see so I suggested we drive to the Multi-Cinema that had 4 theaters, but none of them sounded appealing. Cindy brought up going to an adult theater, as she had never been before. We located one in the phone book and drove to it.

The theater was an older, rather regal looking place that had not been kept up well. As we entered the theater I was surprised to see how large it was, yet there were only about 2 dozen people there. We chose a pair of seats near the back and we settled in for what turned out to be quite an evening.

The movie had just started and they didn’t waste any time in getting into some very hot sex scenes. Cindy leaned over to me and said “they certainly don’t leave anything out.” The screen had a close-up of a woman’s pussy with a hard dick sliding in and out, on it for about 5 minutes. I asked her if this was bothering her and she quickly replied “no, it’s making me horny.” We watched for about another 15 minutes, until there was a scene where this woman was lying on a bed and 3 men were fondling her and jacking themselves off, cumming all over her chest. Cindy moaned and said “I can’t take this much more.” I have to admit, I had an erection and was getting pretty horny myself. I told my wife that I was going to go get us some soft drinks and I left for the snackbar.

When I came back I noticed that she was concentrating on the screen. The woman had a man on each end of her screwing away. Cindy was rubbing her crotch with one hand and she had her other arm clamped across her chest rubbing her breasts. As I sat, I noticed that a man had sat down behind my wife and was busy watching the show. I set the food down and put my hand on Cindy’s leg. She looked at me with this sultry look that told me she was hot. I started to massage her thigh and work my way up to her crotch. As I reached higher she lifted up and pulled her skirt up and spread her legs, so that I could reach her panty covered crotch. I touched her panties and they were soaked, she had gotten herself off while I was at the snack bar, she said. As I continued to rub her swollen pubis my wife started breathing heavy and she started a slight movement in her hips. With my free hand I tried to reach around and unbutton her blouse and as I did I could see out of the corner of my eye the man behind us was now watching us not the movie.

Cindy couldn’t wait for my fumbling and she unbuttoned her blouse enough so that I could reach in her bra and feel her tits. I rubbed and massaged her pretty tits until her nipples were rock hard. Cindy started squeezing my cock which drove me nuts, so I dropped my hand to her pussy and started rubbing again. She leaned over against me and we kissed, slowly and deeply, and while we were kissing I could see the guy behind us had slid forward in his seat so he could see my wife’s bare legs and her panties. As I slid my hand up to the top of her panties I turned enough to watch him and I slowly pulled her panties down exposing her bush. I saw his eyes widen and I heard him gasp, so I figured I’d have a little fun and I slid my finger into my wife’s dripping pussy. She immediately started a quiet moaning and layed back in her seat, spreading her legs, not realizing that she was giving him a better view of her bush. My finger was really working on her tight little hole when I heard the guy behind us breathing hard. He was almost leaning over Cindy’s other shoulder and he had his dick out in his hand. As my wife was nearing her climax I kept on fingering her until she stiffened up and groaned, cumming all over my fingers. Just as she shook I heard him grunt as he shot his cum on the back of Cindy’s seat. My wife sagged against me and said “this is fun, whew, it’s kind of sexy in public.” When I told her about the guy behind us she couldn’t believe she’d missed it. I told her that she shouldn’t tease people like that and we both laughed. I said “you should have helped him” and she said “yah, right.” What harm could come of it I had asked, at least he would have remembered this hot woman he had once met. Cindy said “oh well, it’s to late now.” As we both knew that she really didn’t even consider the possibility.

I sat there watching two more men screwing this same woman, when Cindy pulled my cock out of my pants and bent over taking it into her mouth. Watching my wife and that guy jack off had made me hornier than I’ve been in a while, so she sucked on me for a few more seconds and I started cumming right in her mouth. She sat back up licking her lips and saying how good that tasted. “Here’s two dozen guys jacking off and I have a beautiful woman giving me a blowjob, what luck” I said as we giggled. I asked Cindy to go to the bathroom and take her panties and bra off, so I could have an easier time playing with her. She almost jumped out of her seat trying to get to the bathroom to strip down. When she returned I slid her dress up revealing her perfectly cropped pussy that sparkled from all the dampness. I entered her with my finger as my other hand massaged and squeezed her tits. She was hot. “I want you again” she said. Well, twice in 10 minutes is more than I can handle, so to stall for time I said I had to go to the bathroom.

I was standing at the urinal when another man walked in and walked up to the urinal next to me. He lugged out his dick, which was pretty big and was also hard. “Anytime now” he said to his hard shaft, waiting for it to relax enough to pee. “Too bad you weren’t sitting over by the woman on the left side of the theater” I said. “She gave me a hand job” I continued, figuring he might go over to her now and she could have another handful to play with. “Your kidding” he scoffed, “No, she let me feel her up and then she jacked me off” I replied. I figured that I had his curiosity peaked so I left and went back to the show.

When I sat back down I told her that I had invited a guy over to sit with her and she thought I was joking. I told her no, she ought to try it. She could give him the hottest memory he’d ever have, most men have always dreamed of this happening, not to mention I really liked the idea of watching, as many men dream of seeing their wives with other men. Beside, I said no one will even know who you are and with me near by, I had told her that I would sit in the next row a couple of seats away, nothing bad could happen. Cindy said it sounded like fun, knowing that she would have complete control over a stranger’s dick. We talked some more and I told Cindy that she should let him play with her first and that she should get hot and get into what was happening, and then she should play with his dick and balls till he came. Considering how hot Cindy can get I figured he would get his rocks off in just a few seconds. We talked for a few more minutes about where I would sit and and I told her to just be calm and let him start everything. When I asked if she was ready she said “yes, it took a minute to relax, but I guess I’m ready”, so I got up and moved to my new seat.

I took a seat a row below and a few seats left of my wife. The view when I partially turned my head was magnificent, I could almost see under my wife’s dress. It was another few minutes before her guest arrived, I heard him ask if the seat next to her was occupied and she replied “no, go ahead”. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that my wife was watching the screen and he was watching her. A few more minutes passed and then I saw him put his hand on Cindy’s knee, she didn’t make any attempt to move it, so after another minute he started to massage her knee. He began to move his hand up her leg a little and I heard her breath quicken. As he moved his hand up, he slid her dress up, giving him a nice look at her slender bare legs. His caressing of her leg excited my wife, she parted her thighs a little, so he could reach between her legs. When he did, I heard her gasp and I looked around. He had his hand on her bare glistening mound and was starting to work his finger into her slit. Cindy’s skirt was clear up giving me a complete view of her pussy and his big busy hand.

I could tell that Cindy was getting hot. She was leaning against him while he massaged her pussy and you could hear her panting. As she turned to unzip his pants she spread her legs wide open, showing all of her pink pussy with this man’s finger working in and out of her opening. Cindy got his cock out and in the dim light I could see that he had a big fat hard on, which she started to stroke. Cindy’s new friend was fingering her and I could hear him say “your pussy feels so good”. Cindy was getting into the part well, as I heard her answer “I love your big hard cock, MMMmmm, it’s so fat”. My wife’s hips were moving with a steady motion as she let him finger fuck her. I heard him catch his breath and then groan as he shot his load of cum on the seat ahead and the floor. “Oh god, your beautiful” he said as his dick jerked a few more times. She slowly worked his shaft up and down as it relaxed and shrank. As he started to put his meat back in his pants I heard Cindy say “thanks for the nice big one”, as he said “no, thank you, I’ll never forget this”, as he rose to leave.

I gave her a minute to straighten herself and then I whispered “how was it ?” She gasped back “That is the HOTTEST thing I’ve ever done, it was great, I want to try a few more guys.” I told her that I’ve never seen anything that hot either and I couldn’t wait to see the next guy get off. So, I sat back in my seat and waited.

It wasn’t long before another visitor came by and asked if the seat was taken and Cindy replied “no, please sit down.” This time Cindy had lifted her dress up quite high on her legs, so her new friend didn’t waste any time before he started touching her leg. Soon I could see that he had slid his hand under her blouse and was enjoying the feel of her tits and Cindy was pressing his hand tight against her chest. He let his hand drop to her thigh and started massaging his way up her leg. “Oh god, your nude” he said as his hand found her bare pussy waiting for his finger. He slid his finger in and out of her, as he played with her love button. She leaned into him and gave him a slowww long kiss as she worked to get his shaft out of his pants. All of a sudden out sprang the biggest dick I’ve ever seen, it was at least 9 inches long. Cindy whispered to him and slowly started to run her hand up and down his long shaft. As her hand stroked his growing cock, his finger kept time going in and out of her pretty little slit. They continued to feel each other and she leaned over next to him and rubbed his cock on her leg. That was enough to send both of them over the edge and I heard them groan as they both climaxed at the same time. Slowly his massive shaft began to shrink and they kissed for the last time and my wife pulled her dress back down as the stranger straightened himself out and they said good bye.

I slid over to my glowing wife and said “that sure didn’t take you long.”, to which she said “did you see the size of his cock, I loved playing with it, I would have given anything to suck it for a minute, I wonder if I could handle it all ?” She was slowly regaining her breathe and composure. I told her that if the chance came up again and she really wanted to give him a little lick that that was ok with me. “I want to do this again and then let’s go, I want you to fuck me real good” Cindy said huskily. She looked so sexy and sultry now that her passion was high. “I just had a nasty thought” she uttered “I wish I had a guy in each hand, before we go.” I thought for a minute and said “I don’t know if we can arrange that, but I’ll try”, getting up I said “I’m going to the restroom, I’ll be right back.

I was in luck, or Cindy was in luck really, as I walked into the restroom there was two young guys walking in ahead of me. I waited as they stood at the urinal peeing. “Have you guys seen that gorgeous woman over in the back, she gave me a handjob and she did another guy too.” Well, let me tell you, these two young studs were ready. “I heard her tell the other guy to come back with a friend, maybe you guys can beat him over there.” “Wow, let’s go see her, is she a dog ?” he asked and I replied “no she’s beautiful.” He looked at his buddy and they said see ya and left. I went ahead and went to the bathroom and then returned to my seat.

As I neared my seat I could see that my wife was sitting with her two young studs, one on either side of her. I took my seat and I saw Cindy slid her hand across the crotch of the guy on her left and she leaned over and whispered something to him. Both young men started to touch and caress her body as she layed back in her seat reeling in delight at having two men feeling her at the same time. As her passion increased she unzipped both of their pants and managed to get both of their young dicks in her hands. I almost came in my pants seeing her with both of their hands on her and she with a stiff cock in each hand. Cindy continued to pull and stroke both guys at the same time. Being young, they were ready to cum in a few seconds, and cum they did. It was like watching two miniature fountains spurting in the air. Both of them came fast and then they got nervous and quickly zipped themselves back up and said they had to leave. Cindy smiled and said “thanks for the fun, studs”, as both guys rose to leave.

As I leaned toward my wife I could hear her labored breathing, “I came three times” she sighed “that was more fun than I could ever imagine, those two were so hot I though they would shoot clear over the seats.” I told her to straighten herself out and let’s leave, I was so horny and all I could think about was my turn to play with her. The way she glowed was more beautiful than I have ever seen her before, so we left the theatre.

We got in our car and I immediately started to kiss and fondle my beautiful wife. “I want to fuck you right now” she said panting. I pulled her dress up and slid my pants down right there in the car. Cindy and I fucked with complete abandon and we climaxed together in what was the most spectacular orgasm either of us have ever had. When we finished I started the car and drove home. Both of us were now glowing with passion. When we arrived home I smiled and told her that she had just given me the most wonderful time of my life and Cindy said she had never believed she would enjoy it that much. I kissed her slow and long and we slid to the floor and we began to make love all over again, this time we were slow and it lasted for what seemed like hours.

As I write this, Cindy and I are planning our next trip to the show. She hopes to see the man with the giant dick again, but probably not. Cindy says that all of you women readers owe it to yourselves to try to get your husband to take you to a special show. Every women needs to feel a hard dick in each hand once in her life, you just can’t imagine the feeling, and to be completely safe with your husband watching is the best part of all.