I love sloppy seconds

I love sloppy seconds.

My wife, Dena, and I have an open marriage. At least it’s a one sided open marriage. Throughout our 14 year marriage I have remained monogamous while Dena has had many lovers. I don’t mind her affairs, in fact I was the one who suggested she date other men.

I do admit that nights such as this I am somewhat nervous because Dena is dating this guy for the first time. On the other hand it was me who arranged this date. Here’s how it began.

Wednesday night Dena and I went to a local restaurant/lounge for dinner. It’s a favorite night-spot for visiting businessmen and salesmen so it’s usually full of men looking for a good time. Our hopes this night were to allow Dena to meet someone she found attractive and invite him to our home for the night. Dena often visited to this lounge alone in an effort to meet a new lover. On those occasions she has never failed to have sex with someone even if it’s only a quickie in the parking lot or sometimes she’ll give her friend head only. Most times she’ll be invited to one of the adjoining hotel rooms where she’ll sometimes spend the entire night satisfying their mutual urges. But I am getting off the main purpose of writing this.

Dena and I arrived at the lounge around nine. As expected the place was packed with mostly single men. Dena had worn a low cut dress that was made of a material that when viewed with a light from behind silhouetted her body sensuously.

We were got lucky and found an empty table right away. This was what we were hoping for because it would allow us to invite her prospect to a seat while we got to know him better.

Within minutes Dena spotted several likely candidates. She had already managed to make eye contact with one man who seemed in his late thirties. He was a rather tall man with a dark tan that suggested the outdoor type. Dena turned to me and said. “Honey, that’s the man who’ll be fucking me soon.” My cock stirred. I told her that I would go to the restroom and stay longer than necessary and for her to make her move while I was gone.

I didn’t really need to go to the restroom so instead I found a place at the far end of the bar. I could clearly see Dena but could only imagine what she would be saying. I had just ordered a drink when Dena and her friend made eye contact again. Dena gave him one of her sexiest ‘come-on’ smiles. Seeing I was not at the table the man wasted no time approaching Dena. They talked briefly then got up to dance. I watched as Dena danced closer than necessary, pressing and rubbing herself into her friends arms. The next song was somewhat faster and they danced to that with Dena smiling provocatively to her friend. The third number was another slow tune and this time Dena’s friend’s hand found her pump ass. He was getting himself a good feel of her ass when I noticed Dena look him directly in the eye then she kissed him. One could see their kiss was passionate even from a distance. I knew her tongue was probing his mouth as if to say. “I’m yours. Take me.” I smiled nervously to myself. I knew that before long this handsome stranger would be lost inside my wife’s love tunnel.

I got up from the bar and took my seat at our table while this stranger continued to turn my wife on. After the dance they returned to the table. Dena introduced her friend as Sam. A salesman in town for a few days. We invited Sam to join us at our table which he did although he was somewhat nervous. We ordered drinks and Dena asked me to dance with her.

On the dance floor Dena said. “I want him to fuck him Honey.” “I gathered as much.” I said. “I want you to ask him to fuck me while you watch.” I asked if she thought that might drive him away. “You better hope not or you won’t get any seconds tonight like you like.” “Then I guess it’s up to me.” I said. We returned to the table when the dance finished.

Dena didn’t sit down but instead she excused herself to go to the powder room. Sam and I watched Dena’s ass swing away through the crowd. “Nice ass isn’t it Sam?” “Is it ever.” Sam said then realizing he was saying that to me Dena’s husband he quickly added. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t say that.” “Or think those thoughts.” I chuckled back. “That too.” Sam said. “It’s OK Sam, Dena told me on the dance floor that she wants some of you too.” you mean...” Sam let his sentence trail away. “I mean she wants to fuck you tonight.” I said. “But what about you. I mean she’s your wife isn’t she?” Sam said. “She is my wife but you see. Dena and I have an open marriage. I enjoy letting her sleep with other men. I sometimes join in, sometimes I just watch, but most times I’m not even present.” I said. “You mean you’ve watched her fuck another man?” Sam asked. “I have. Many times. Tonight I want to watch you fuck her. Will you?” I asked. “If you’re serious I will. I’ve never fucked a man’s wife while he watched.” Sam said. “Nothing to it. Just get naked and jump in. I can tell you she’s got some good pussy and knows how to please a man.” “God my cocks getting hard right now.” Sam said. Laughing I said. “Mine’s been hard.”

Dena returned to the table and sat down. “OK. What’s with the grins. What’re you boys up too?” Dena asked. “Well it seems Sam wants the same thing we do.” I said. “Really? Sam you’ll do it?” Dena asked excitedly. “If you two are for real.” Sam said. Dena reached over and placed her hand on Sam’s cock. “We’re for real.” She said. Then turning to me she said. “Honey, can we go home now. I think Sam’s ready and if I get much wetter I’ll slip off this chair.” We all laughed and rose in unison to leave.

I paid the tab as Dena and Sam walked ahead to our car. They were already at the car kissing as I walked up. “Honey, Sam and I are going to ride in back so we’ll have more room if you don’t mind.” Dena said. “OK.” I answered then we got into the car, Sam and Dena in back. Starting the engine I said to Sam. “Sam, hold onto your balls or she’ll suck them through your cock before we get home.” As I heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper being unzipped Dena said. “He knows me all too well Sam.”

I drove out of the parking lot and turned the car toward home, only a few miles away. “Oh God, what a beautiful cock.” Dena said. I heard Sam catch his breath and knew that Dena had taken his cock in her mouth. She likes to deep throat her lover as soon as she takes him in so I knew also that her nose would be pressed tightly against Sam’s belly. “Can she take it all Sam?” I asked. “Goddam, can she. I think she’s going to swallow me whole.” Sam said. Laughing I said. “Just sit back and enjoy it, she knows what do.”

Dena’s mouth was making sucking sounds as I pulled into our drive. She was really working on Sam’s cock. I turned the engine off and turned in my seat to look into the back. Sam was laying back with his eyes closed while Dena was on her knees in the floorboard. Although Dena head blocked my view I knew her mouth engulfed Sam’s cock. “OK, Honey, lets go inside so Sam can relax while you show me what you can do.” I said. Dena’s head continued to bob a few more times before she reluctantly released Sam’s cock from her mouth. Moving up to kiss Sam she said to him. “God Sam, you taste good.” I allowed them to hold their kiss for awhile then opening my door I said. “OK you love birds. Lets go inside so we can all get naked.”

I opened the back door and Dena got out first. Sam was trying to stuff his manhood back into his pants. Dena said “Don’t bother doing that Sam. I’ll just have to take him out as soon as we get inside. Noone can see you anyway.” Sam looked around and seeing there was no house in sight he got out of the car. His cock standing tall before him. I knew Dena would enjoy herself tonight because Sam’s cock was about 10 inches in length and as thick as her wrist. The head of his cock seemed almost small. Like the early space capsules sitting on top of the booster. I was anxious to see that cock stretching my wife’s pussy as it plunged into her depths. I couldn’t see Sam’s balls but I hoped they too were large and full of cum. Dena liked it when her lover gave her a massive load. She especially liked her lovers cum to be thick. Very thick.

Once inside Dena led Sam to our bedroom. I turned back the covers on our King sized bed as Dena undressed her new lover. Sam lay back on the bed as Dena began undressing. I went to get clean towels and drinks as Dena dress fell to the floor. I knew that when I returned Sam would have his cock buried in Dena’s pussy.

I got the towels and took two of the smaller ones and wet them with the hottest water I could stand. After wringing most of the water out I got three beers out of the refrigerator.

As I entered our bedroom all was as I expected. Sam was on top of Dena pumping his manhood into her. Dena was arching her back to Sam so she could take him as deep as he would go. I sat the drinks and towels on the night stand then began to undress all the while watching Sam fuck his cock into my wife. Once undressed I sat on the corner of the bed. I had a perfect view of Sam’s cock as it entered my wife. I began to slowly jack my own cock as the stranger before me fucked my beautiful wife.

After a few minutes I could tell Sam was about to cum. This excited me even more knowing my wife was about to receive a load from a man we hardly knew. I began shooting my load about the same time Sam began shooting his. “Ohh God Sam! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck your cum in me!” Dena was gasping. I knew she could feel Sam’s cum exploding inside her ‘sugar walls’. My own cum was flying a I jacked myself harder and harder. Sam’s back was stiff now as he spilt his seed. I could see the first faint whispers of white cum escaping from Dena’s pussy as Sam slowly pumped his cock into her. I knew he was trying to empty himself on this first go. Dena was squirming beneath Sam her own organism reaching it’s climax. “Ohhh God! Ohhh God! I’m cumming! I’mmm Cummming! Shoot it in me! Shoot it all in me!” Dena was gasping.

As our three mutual climax’s subsided Sam lay spent and still on top of Dena. Dena’s pussy twitched as the tingling subsided. My hand was wet with my own cum as were my legs. I moved myself into position and kissed Dena deeply. “I love you.” She said. “I love you too.” I said. “And I love Sam’s cock inside me.” Dena said and kissed Sam as deeply as we had.

As their kiss broke Sam rolled off Dena and lay beside her. “Eat my pussy.” Dena said to me. I maneuvered myself between Dena’s legs. Sam’s seed was just beginning to really flow from Dena’s pussy. “Clean my pussy Honey. Clean Sam’s hot cum from my pussy while I get him up to deliver a new load.” Opening Dena’s pussy with my hands I placed my mouth on her silky wetness. I was immediately greeted with the unmistakable taste of fresh cum. I lapped Dena’s pussy like a new puppy. My cock was hard as nails as I cleaned her pussy so Sam could deposit a new load soon. As I worked on Dena’s pussy she was busy sucking Sam’s cock back to life. My jaws were beginning to cramp when Dena said to me. “Honey, I think Sam’s ready to make another deposit.”

I moved to my place at the corner of the bed as Sam once again mounted my wife. His cock stabbed at her pussy two or three time without entering her so I gently took his cock in my hand and guided it into Dena’s pussy. Sam began pumping with renewed vigor as his cock buried itself deeply in it’s warm wet heaven.

Again I jacked myself off as I watched the sight before me. Sam still hadn’t shot his second load although Dena had climaxed several times. Each time she became more vocal. Asking if I could see Sam’s cock disappearing into her. Asking Sam to fuck her harder. To shoot his load inside her. To fill her pussy full of cum. As Dena begged Sam for his cum I shot my third load into the air. Now Sam grunted “I’m cumming! I’ cumming!” “Ohh Yesss! Ohh Yesss! I feel it. I feel you shooting inside me.” Dena was saying to noone. To me she said. “Honey Sam’s shooting his load in my pussy! I feel him shooting his hot cum load in me!” then “Ohh Goddd! Ohhh GGGoddd! I’m cumming too! Ohhh Godd, Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!”

The sight before me was beautiful. My wife beneath this handsome stranger with the massive cock shooting his seed into her deepest recesses. I couldn’t stand it any longer. I shot my forth load.

After Sam spent himself and three of us rested awhile Sam and I got dressed and I drove him back to his hotel. He asked if he could call Dena and perhaps date her next time he’s in town. I told him that I was sure she would like that and would be disappointed if he did not.

Dena was asleep when I got home. She had placed one of the towels between her legs but it had fallen away when in her sleep she spread her legs. Sam’s cum was still slowly oozing from her pussy. I decided not to wake her and instead I jacked myself to completion again as I watched Sam’s cum run slowly down my wife’s ass then join the wetness of the towel below. It’s times like these when I feel closest to Dena. I love to see her get pleasure from another man.

That brings us to the present. Sam called Dena today and told her he liked her pussy so much that he decided to stay one more night if she would see him again. Dena agreed to date him and promised to call me after each time they had sex. She called me about 45 minutes after she left to meet Sam at his hotel to tell me that she had just finished giving Sam a blow job. She said he had shot several very thick globs of cum in her mouth. She had swallowed all of it and could still feel the slight burning in her throat and taste his cum in her mouth.

Sam’s in the shower now and Dena was planning to join him after hanging up with me. I can just see her now. Pinned to the shower wall while Sam pounds his cock in her. Or perhaps he has her sitting on the counter. Her legs spread wide. His cock buried deep in her pussy spilling more of his thick white jism inside her pussy. God this is almost as good as being there. I know the phone will ring soon. It will be Dena telling me that she has just accepted another load of cum. I wonder how many times she’ll call. Lot’s I hope.

God I love her. I love her fucking. I love her sucking. I love sloppy seconds.