Tinder Sexdate

Eager Beaver Goes Skiing.

I went on a ski trip the week between Christmas and New Year’s. I went with my boyfriend Dave. We were going to share the cabin with Dave’s friend Jim and his girlfriend Cathy. Dave and I arrived on Sunday afternoon. Jim and Cathy were not due to arrive until midday on Monday. Dave and I had some fun 69ing on the bearskin rug in front of a big stone fireplace with a roaring fire. On Monday Jim and Cathy arrived.

Jim and Dave are about the same height about 6 feet. Jim is a little thinner that Dave and a bit less muscular. Cathy is about 5 feet 6 inches and fleshy, not fat just fleshy. Dave and I left them in the cabin to get settled and we went skiing. We met for dinner and then went to a local bar for entertainment. All during dinner, Jim kept filling Cathy’s wine glass and now kept ordering drinks for her. She got very drunk, and quite uninhibited. Finally Cathy was getting too drunk to stay out so Jim took her back to the cabin. Dave and I waited a reasonable amount of time for them to have some fun before we went back. When we entered the cabin, Cathy’s clothes were strewn all over the living room and the bearskin rug was out of place. They seemed to have had some fun before going to bed. On Tuesday the four of us went cross-country skiing in the morning and downhill in the afternoon. That evening Cathy again got rather drunk, but Dave and I decided to go home first. Dave insisted on stripping and sucking and fucking in the living room. I think he wanted to get caught. We finished up and were in the bedroom when Jim and Cathy came in. Actually it was Jim carrying Cathy in. Dave went out to help Jim get Cathy into the bedroom. They carried her into the bedroom, and Dave left Jim to play with her.

Wednesday morning we planned to have a big breakfast at the cabin before doing more cross-country skiing. Cathy and I made pancakes and eggs and toast for the boys. When the boys got up and into the kitchen they did not say a word to us. They ate their breakfast in silence, just grinning at each other once in a while. When all of us had finished Cathy and I got up to clean things up. Dave grabbed me and pulled me in front of him. Jim had grabbed Cathy and moved her so we were cheek to cheek. Dave opened my bathrobe and began kissing my tits. His hands were roaming all over my body. Finally he slipped his thumbs into the waistband of my panties and began to pull them down. Since Cathy and I had shared the bathroom that morning I knew that she had on the same amount of clothing that I did; just panties and a bathrobe. Dave pulled my panties all the way down and made me step out of them. He tossed them onto the table and they were quickly joined by Cathy’s panties. Dave stood up and took my robe by the collar and began to pull it off me. When he had uncovered my ass, he pushed me back far enough to touch Cathy. Both of us were stripped bare, standing ass to ass, and ready for whatever these boys had in mind.

The boys quickly cleared the table, and motioned for us to climb on top of the table at opposite ends. They laid us back and lifted our legs up. I realized that Dave must have gotten the idea for this from my sorority initiation story. This head-to-cunt position was used when the sisters had us eaten by the boys. Now my boyfriend was repeating the scene. Dave had me hold my legs open while he poured maple syrup into my cunt. I saw Jim drizzling thick honey onto Cathy’s protruding cunt lips. The boys began to eat us, to lick us, to make us ooze our cum onto their tongues. Dave is a very good cuntlicker and he was better than usual this time. I arched my back and pushed my open cunt at his face as I came and came. They let us relax a bit after making us cum so nicely. The boys still did not say a word. They pulled us up and off the table and led us by the arm to the bathroom. Cathy gasped when she saw what the boys had prepared before coming to breakfast. Hanging on the shower curtain rod were two enema bags, hoses dangling down to the long white nozzles. She told me that she had never had an enema, but had heard about them. I giggled and told her to relax and enjoy being filled to the brim. The boys motioned for us to climb into the tub. They positioned us so that we were kneeling in the tub, bent over the side, resting on our arms outside the tub. Cathy’s larger, fleshier tits were dangling down. Jim spent some time fondling them as he positioned her. Dave and Jim prepared a hot soapy solution and filled the enema bags. As they lubricated our assholes, I was getting very horny. I had received enemas from boyfriends (and girlfriends) before but I hadn’t been side-by-side with another girl getting cleaned out since the last night of my sorority initiation.

Dave tenderly slipped that nozzle into my willing asshole. Cathy was squirming as Jim tried to lubricate her hole. I put my hand on top of hers and told her to calm down, to relax her ass muscles the way she would for an assfuck. She told me that Monday and Tuesday night had been the only time she had ever taken a cock up her ass. That was what all the drinks were for; to get her lubricated at both ends. I again told her to calm down and relax. I told her the same things Karen had told me when she gave me my first enema. Cathy calmed down and Jim slowly worked the nozzle into her tail. Both boys reached one hand under us so that our cunts were being played with when they released the clip on the hose. The rush of hot soapy water and the rubbing Dave was doing to my cunt pushed me very close to the edge of orgasm. It was too much for Cathy. With Jim’s finger in her cunt and the hot water in her tail she came almost instantly. I wanted Dave to make me cum to match Cathy’s orgasm, but he would only rub my clit slowly to keep me on the edge of creaming. By the time Cathy recovered enough from her orgasm to look at me, we were both drenched in sweat. The hot enema was heating us up from the inside out and by the smile on Cathy’s face I knew she enjoyed the sensation. As the boys reached back to remove the nozzles I cautioned Cathy about the urge to push all the water out. She agreed to try to hold it in until the boys let us let it out. The boys pulled the nozzles out and immediately pushed plugs into our filled tails. The butt plugs went in easier than the nozzles did, and they made sure that Cathy and I stayed filled. The boys stood us up and dried us off and led us into the living room.

They left us standing there, naked, asses filled, and ever so hot, while they went and got our ski clothes. They had us get dressed in just socks, skipants and jacket. They dressed the same way. I knew they wanted to expand their outdoor blowjobs to something more involved. When we were all dressed, we went out, put on our skis and headed thru the woods toward a ski hut we had gone to the day before. About half way there, the boys stopped. They moved Cathy and me into a position facing each other. They unzipped our jackets and unhooked the suspenders that held out pants up. They moved us closer to each other and bent us over. They had us hold each other and rest our heads on the other’s shoulder. They pulled at our pants until they where down to our ankles. The cold air against my bare ass and cunt and tits contrasted with the internal heat still supplied by the enema in my ass. I was ready to cum. I wanted to cum as soon as Dave stuck his cock in me so that I could cum several times. Dave stood behind me and I could feel his cock rubbing across my eager slit. Dave reached under my jacket to clasp his hands over my tiny titties and he rammed his cock home. I started cumming. I kept cumming. This was the most intense orgasm I had ever had. And from the squeezes and moans from Cathy, I knew I wasn’t the only one that was getting a great fuck.

Dave cupped my titties and pounded away at my eager juicy cunt. It didn’t take long before I was cumming and cumming and cumming. Dave just kept pounding, plunging his cock deep into me. My orgasm subsided and I could hear Cathy begging for more. She wanted to get fucked, to cum, to have him shoot his load deep into her. She started to cum again. She was moaning and groaning and twisting her body and grinding her cunt against Jim’s cock. Her commotion enhanced my own orgasm. This time it was longer, broader, more completely exhausting. At the tail end of it, Dave jammed his cock deep into me and shot me full of his cum. Jim responded in kind and jammed into Cathy to unload his sperm into her. They held us tight, cocks deep in our cream filled cunts, until they were drained and we had stopped quivering. It felt so good to have both holes filled. My ass was still warm with the enema and now my cunt was oozing cum (mine and Dave’s). The boys lifted us up and pushed us together. Their cocks were beginning to slip out but they pushed us tit to tit. Dave reached over my shoulder and kissed Cathy. Jeff reached over Cathy and kissed me hard pushing our titties tighter. They broke off their kisses, motioned us to get dressed and still without a word continued our skiing. When we got to the hut, they motioned for us to strip down outside on the steps. They held the door open so we could step inside as soon as we were naked, but they wanted us bare before we entered. Inside they showed us to the toilet and let me unplug Cathy. She eliminated the now body temperature water from her ass and let me dry her off. Then she offered to unplug my tail. She slipped her hand to my cunt before pulling my plug out. She told me she had never done it with another girl while she was sober. I told her that she was sexy enough to eat anytime, anywhere. We giggled and she pulled my plug free. I let all the water out of my ass and let Cathy give me a nice loving toweling. I gently squeezed her tits before we were pulled to the main room.

The boys had made a fire and laid out some lunch for us to eat. When we were finished, Dave stepped in front of Cathy, opened his pants and put his cock into her mouth. Jim finished his drink of wine and motioned for me to come to him. I moved in front of him and he pulled me to my knees and opened his pants. I eagerly pulled out his semi-hard cock and sucked him to full erection. Neither Cathy nor I had a cock long enough to make him cum. They pulled back, closed their pants and went to the sink. They pulled the enema gear out of one of the knapsacks and began to prepare another hot enema. They placed Cathy and me on our knees in front of the fire. I held her hand as they pushed our tits to the rug, pulled our legs open and lifted our asses high. They filled our tails with even more hot soapy water than the first time and quickly plugged us up for the trip home.

We retraced our way back toward our cabin and stopped at the same place the boys had fucked us on the way out. This time when they put us face to face with our jackets open, our pants pulled down and our hot enema filled asses bare for the world to see, Dave took my head and pushed me to Cathy’s left tit. I gave her very erect nipple a tender kiss before opening my mouth to suck that nipple in. Dave knew I would give her a good tit sucking, but Cathy’s moans came faster than he had thought. He apparently didn’t want her too worked up, because he pulled my head back and then to her right tittie. I repeated my kiss and suck until she began to moan again and Dave pulled me back. They bent us over again, but this time Dave got behind Cathy and Jim got behind me. This was going to be the first of their cunt swapping. I told Cathy that Dave could fuck really good and she told me that Jim was no slouch at creaming a girl’s cunt. The boys plunged into us. Neither one of them let us down. They gave us a great second fuck. Both Cathy and I came twice before those cocks exploded into us. Jim seemed to shoot half a dozen times jammed deep into my cunt and I know that Dave dumped a full load into Cathy. Dave always seems to cum a lot. His second and third loads take longer but they are just as big as his first. When they were finished, they again pulled us up and pushed us tittie to tittie and exchanged kisses (Dave kissing me from behind Cathy and Jim kissing Cathy with his cock still in me). Then the boys pulled out and we got dressed.

Before we moved on, Dave unzipped my jacket and Jim put Cathy’s face down to my tiny nips. She gave them a little kiss and a lick from her warm tongue. Then we went back to the cabin. At the cabin, the boys again motioned for us to strip outside before going in, but this time, we had to kiss both cocks and get slapped on the ass before we could get inside. Cathy and I retreated to the bathroom to unplug our hot (now very loose) asses. The boys left us to empty out and wash up by ourselves. After dumping all that hot soapy water, Cathy and I took a shower and we very gently washed each other all over. I washed her first. I started at her shoulders and went down her back to her lovely rounded ass. I had her bend over so I could clean out her crack and I gently played with her gaping asshole. I rubbed my finger around her very open hole and then poked my soapy finger into her. She was so loose I could plunge my whole finger into her without any resistance. When she washed me, she made sure that she could do the same to my asshole. When we finished washing and drying off, we went out into the living room (still stark naked, we knew the boys would want us that way). We found the boys equally naked with glasses of wine ready for us. They gave us the glasses and Dave proposed a toast ‘To the two best cunts in the entire Rocky Mountains’. Cathy and I giggled, drank and then hugged and kissed these two lovely fuckers. We sat down and snuggled our naked bodies together in front of the fire while finishing our wine. Cathy was careful not to drink too much.

After a while, Dave told Jim that Cathy and I had probably played with each other in the bathroom, but they should make sure we know just how good our cunts are. They pulled us down to the bearskin rug and put us on our sides facing the other’s cunt. Dave pulled my leg up and gently guided my head between Cathy’s open thighs. I was the first to make contact as I drew my tongue across her slick outer lips. Cathy was hesitant but followed my lead and gave my slit a long lick. Now that I knew she was going to copy my actions, I began to give her a good thorough licking. We had been positioned with my lower arm over her bottom leg and with Jim holding up her other leg so I could put my right hand into her cunt to open her up. I used two fingers to spread her soft cuntlips after I had properly covered them with licks. I gently poked my tongue between her lips and into her hot sexy cunt hole. The little wiggle I gave her with the tip of my tongue sent shivers up her spine and she had to reposition her mouth and tongue before she could continue. My gentle licking and tongue probing was making her juice up a great deal. She was oozing a very sweet cream out of her lips. I wanted to make sure she knew I was eating her because she tasted good not just because my boyfriend put my face in her cunt.

I poked my tongue as deep into her creamy hole as I could and wiggled it trying to get as much of her sweet cum as I could. I pulled back and licked her entire slit very fast before plunging in for a repeat. She lost her concentration almost immediately and was just laying there taking her licking after I had done a few cycles of tongue fuck and lip licking. When I put my lips to her erect clit and sucked, she went over the edge and started cumming. It was like I had broken a dam inside her cunt. She was flowing with sweet cum. I lapped at it like a thirsty bitch never getting enough. I was licking all over her crotch spreading more cum than I was able to lick up. Some of her cum oozed thru her slit to her asshole. I could see Jim fondling Cathy’s asscheeks and now he was going to finger her tail. He rubbed his finger thru her cum before poking into her hole. In one thrust, he plunged his finger hilt deep into her ass and drove her to her second orgasm. After she recovered from that one Jim whispered in her ear and she began to work on my cunt more aggressively. She wasn’t the best cuntlicker, but she was going to be very good with practice (I am already setting up a lesson schedule). When she paid attention to my clit, my orgasm built up, and when she sucked on my clit, I popped and came and oozed my cream onto her face. She also lapped at my cum like a hot wild animal.

When she had licked me clean, we laid our heads back and the boys licked our faces clean. Then Dave told Jim ‘Now let’s find out how good their asses are.’ They pushed us back into each other’s cunt and our tongues went to work again as the boys inserted their cocks into our clean waiting assholes. We offered no resistance on the way in—only on the way out.

Tinder Sexdate